Gigarom 4
Mac Giga-ROM 4.0 - 1993.toast
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Text File
328 lines
# Alpha 5.0 Init File
# Comment this out if you are using an international keyboard!
setVar noRemapOption 0
# Examples of using C-x and C-c combinations for you emacs freaks.
bind 'x' <z> prefixChar
bind 'f' <zX> findFile
bind 'l' <X> currentPosition
bind '(' <sX> startKeyboardMacro
bind ')' <Xs> endKeyboardMacro
bind 'e' <X> executeKeyboardMacro
bind 'c' <z> prefixChar
bind 'f' <Cz> forwardWord
bind 'x' <e> execute
bind 'w' <zs> rectMarkHilite
bind '\r' carriageReturn
bind '\t' tclFileCompletion "Csh"
bind '' startEscape
bind "' '" <z> indentLine
bind 's' <zoc> spacesToTabs
bind 't' <zoc> tabsToSpaces
bind 'a' <zo> insertAscii
bind 'a' <zos> getAscii
# bind 'l' <xo> currentPosition
bind 'f' <cz> freeMem
# bind 'd' <zx> deleteSelection
# bind 'l' <x> currentPosition
bind 'r' <e> repeatSearchBackward
bind 's' <e> repeatSearchForward
bind '\ ' <e> oneSpace
bind 'j' <e> fillRegion
bind 'p' <e> fillParagraph
bind 'b' <e> backwardWord
bind 'd' <e> deleteWord
bind 'f' <e> forwardWord
bind 'g' <e> gotoLine
bind 'h' <e> backwardDeleteWord
bind '<' <se> beginningOfBuffer
bind '>' <se> endOfBuffer
bind 't' <e> findTag
bind 'k' <e> keyCode
bind 'l' <e> downcaseWord
bind 'u' <e> upcaseWord
bind 'c' <e> capitalizeWord
bind Left backwardChar
bind Left <z> beginningOfLine
bind Left <s> backwardCharSelect
bind Left <sz> beginningLineSelect
bind Left <c> scrollLeftCol
bind Right forwardChar
bind Right <z> endOfLine
bind Right <s> forwardCharSelect
bind Right <sz> endLineSelect
bind Right <c> scrollRightCol
bind Up previousLine
bind Up <s> prevLineSelect
bind Up <z> beginningOfBuffer
bind Up <sz> beginningBufferSelect
bind Up <c> scrollUpLine
bind Down nextLine
bind Down <z> endOfBuffer
bind Down <s> nextLineSelect
bind Down <sz> endBufferSelect
bind Down <c> scrollDownLine
# Keypad definitions
bind KPad4 backwardWord
bind KPad4 <c> backwardDeleteWord
bind KPad6 forwardWord
bind KPad6 <c> deleteWord
bind Clear insertToTop
# Never bind Keypad /
# Never bind Keypad *
bind KPad0 pageBack
bind Enter pageForward
bind KPad3 repeatSearchForward
bind KPad1 repeatSearchBackward
bind KPad. endOfBuffer
bind KPad5 exchangePointAndMark
bind KPad7 backwardDeleteWord
bind KPad9 deleteWord
bind 's' <z> isearch
bind 'r' <z> rsearch
bind 'a' <z> beginningOfLine
bind 'b' <z> backwardChar
bind 'd' <z> deleteChar
bind 'f' <z> forwardChar
bind 'e' <z> endOfLine
bind 'g' <z> abortEm
bind 'k' <z> killLine
bind 'l' <z> centerRedraw
bind 't' <z> insertToTop
bind 'p' <z> previousLine
bind 'n' <z> nextLine
bind 'o' <z> openLine
bind 'u' <z> iterationCount
bind 'v' <z> pageForward
bind 'z' <z> pageBack
bind 'v' <e> pageBack
bind 'w' <z> cut
bind 'w' <e> copy
bind "' '" <z> setMark
bind 'y' <z> yank
# Alpha variable and flag definitions.
setVar optionIsMeta 1
setVar bwWindows 0
setVar electricSemi 1
setVar elecLBrace 1
setVar elecRBrace 1
setVar fontSize 9
setVar defaultFont "monaco"
setVar defWidth 506
setVar defHeight 435
setVar fullScreen 1
setVar fillColumn 75
setVar paraColumn 180
setVar posActivate 0
setVar startWithNew 2
setVar backup 0
setVar backupFolder 1
setVar backupFolderName "$HOME:back"
setVar currFileSet "Edit"
set Think "External:C:THINK C 5.0 Folder"
set includePath { {$Think:Mac #includes:Apple #includes:} {$Think:C Libraries:headers:} {:} }
setVar funcExpr {^[^ \t\(#\r/@].*\(.*\)?$}
set defFuncExpr {^[^ \t\(#\r/@].*\(.*\)$}
setVar funcExpr $defFuncExpr
setVar tagFile "$HOME:cTAGS"
# Hooks for file suffixs. Executed on opens and activates.
# suffixHook ".tex" setTexMode
# suffixHook ".c" setCMode
# Color support
# colors -20481 2703 2703 -632 -588 -11060
colors 0 0 0 -588 -818 -1507
bind F1 setMark
bind F2 copy
bind F3 cut
bind F4 yank
bind F5 nextWindow
bind F6 whileTemplate
bind F7 forTemplate
bind F8 forwardTemplate
bind F9 pushMark
bind F10 popMark
bind F11 shrinkHigh
bind F12 shrinkLow
bind F13 startKeyboardMacro
bind F14 endKeyboardMacro
bind F15 executeKeyboardMacro
bind Del deleteChar
bind Help alphaHelp
bind Home beginningOfBuffer
bind End endOfBuffer
bind Pgup pageBack
bind Pgdn pageForward
# My menus
menu Utilities {
{menu fileUtils {
{menu Clips {
{menu arrange {
menu "Utils" {
{menu fileUtils {
proc switchToThinkC {} {
switchTo {THINK C 5.0}
fileMenu Help "$HOME:Help:" 1 {
"Alpha Tcl Extensions"
"Regular Expressions"
"LaTeX Keys"
menu Misc {
{menu asciiEtc {
set pasteItemNum 16
hiliteMenuItem Misc $pasteItemNum off
set modeItemNum 14
hiliteMenuItem Misc $modeItemNum off
menu Convert {
{menu Strings {
{menu Colors {
menu Wins {
{menu arrange {
insertMenu "Utils"
insertMenu "Misc"
hiliteMenuItem Misc $pasteItemNum off
insertMenu "Convert"
insertMenu "Help"
insertMenu "Wins"
proc shortMenus {} {
removeMenu "Utils"
removeMenu "Misc"
removeMenu "Convert"
removeMenu "Wins"
insertMenu "Utilities"
proc longMenus {} {
removeMenu "Utilities"
insertMenu "Utils"
insertMenu "Misc"
insertMenu "Convert"
insertMenu "Wins"
# Necessary procs.
source "$HOME:procs.tcl"